Service Projects

We have found that doing hands on service projects is one of the best ways to do a mission trip. Service projects are just that, serving others in the Name of Jesus and allowing His love to flow through that service. Because when we use our hands and feet to serve others, we show Christ’s love by giving and working. “Giving,” because your team will be called upon to purchase materials, equipment and other needed items as part of the project. “Working,” because it will entail work– sometimes easy work, sometimes difficult work–in order to meet the felt needs of these lost peoples.

Some examples of previous projects are: building small wooden houses for widows, building latrines for families who have none, providing materials for a suspension bridge, medical teams, re-roofing a porch…again the opportunities are endless! Please just let us know what you would like to do, or if you are simply willing to do whatever is needed! Then we will help to coordinate the service project based on the needs of local people keeping in mind what you are willing to do, where help is most needed, and what is culturally appropriate. Your service projects will help build the relationship bridges needed to take the Gospel into these villages and the lives of the peoples that live there. They will involve needed skills and labor from you and/or your team to complete the work that will help servants of Christ or enable ministry to be done in the future as well. It will be meeting needs in the most basic sense. So, if you love working with your hands, and bringing a smile to others by meeting needs, this is the opportunity for you! Click here to get started!
